Friday, February 5, 2010

Have You Ever Had A Premonition/Psychic Vision That Came True?

Describe in detail if you wish.Have You Ever Had A Premonition/Psychic Vision That Came True?
I occasionally have dreams that come true, usually about the birth of babies. I dreamed my oldest son and his g.f. had a baby boy. In that dream I was so overjoyed. I held the baby and stared at his little face and he was so beautiful. I woke up crying at the intensity of the love I felt. The next day my son called and told me that he and his g.f. were expecting. A few months later she miscarried but it was like I was given a chance to hold my first grandchild. I also dreamed about a friend's pregnancy. I told her about it and she just laughed. A few weeks later she was rushed to the hospital with an ectopic pregnancy. She didn't even know she was pregnant.Have You Ever Had A Premonition/Psychic Vision That Came True?
yes.wont give details.too traumatised still,to describe it.the person died,i knew from a vivid dream but was unable to prevent haunts me-why was i warned,when there wasnt anything i can do about it?still hurts,everyday.i trust when i have strange feelings or intuitions,they usually come true.if i ever have a dream about not getting on a plane or boat,i would heed it .
I had a vision back in November or December of my best friend at his girlfriend's grave site crying and putting flowers down. I had this when they were both with me. I was a little high or something, but it was very clear. I might have had it on more than one occasion. About two months ago, she tragically passed away, and I thought back to my vision and couldn't believe it.
Yes, I've had a few. The first was the death of my great-grandmother. The second was the death of my best friend's father. The third was 9/11.

Edit: I just remembered another. I used to always see a plane crash when I would drive past a nearby neighborhood. This went on for about a year. Then an airliner crashed. Turns out a couple who were killed in the crash lived in that neighborhood.
A curious dream back in the '80s. My across-the-street neighbor was up in years, but I didn't know his age; very nice fellow, and active. My dream was a headline on the front page of the local paper, right-hand column, above the fold, that stated J--- B---- Dead at 90. Of course I didn't tell him or his family, I let it go. About seven months later, I opened the paper and saw, in the right-hand column, above the fold: Local Activist Dead at 90. It was not only him, but he passed on his 90th birthday!
In 1980 my man and I went to a psychic reader and she told us to beware of our best friend..even described him...we didn't think much of it until he shot him in the back 2 weeks later and killed him!! I usually have mine read but for some strange reason I wouldn't go in..I had a strange feeling and now I know why!! Funny thing we recorded it and the FBI used it as evidence!!! He was convicted and died in prison...that's what whiskey and drugs will get you!! They were actually like brothers and was totally unexpected!!!!
What the hell is that
no not yet anhow
  • avast
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