Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true that men have sight and insight and women have no Vision?


we all know how you feel about women ... just go back to Iran if you hate our freedom that much ...Is it true that men have sight and insight and women have no Vision?
I'm not sure, But some peoples say so!!!Is it true that men have sight and insight and women have no Vision?
A woman would have to have absolutely no sight, to have anything to do with an idiot like you! Fortunately I have 20/20 vision.
Women lack spatial awareness.
both myself and my 16 year old daughter would probably beat you to a pulp if you tried taking a swing at us.

But that's right, you don't allow your women to be athletes.

Strong women raise strong sons and daughters.

No hope for you apparently.
what bollocks!!
You have it almost right but the wrong way round. Women have insight and vision, men mostly have egos and d**cks. With apologies to all the fabulous, well rounded men out there.
dont be daft.
oh believe me , women see what they ';want'; to see :::!!!!
Inevitable - with that lovely attitude of yours you'd better get a map printed on how to get to knuckle junction.....I don't know any women who would demean themselves to be with you. Good luck lonely boy!!!!
absolutely. you are so clever.
Oh boy! the foot's crammed into the eating orifice on this one.

Apart from that pal, you're gonna be roasted, fried and tossed into the tandoor by the double xx chromosome crowd.

Watch the number of females who'll get stuck on this one, not looking beyond ....

I've met a great deal of absolutely stupid women in my time, but i've observed that for one such woman, they're about thirty two myopic, insensitive, muddled, and retarted men.
Now according to the bible God created Eve from adam and said that she was to be a helper to him and God gave them specific jobs to do. One was to name all the animals, another to make the whole earth a paradise, and the third to fill the earth. Adam was to be the head of eve and thus all husbands to be the head. So say that Adam and Eve disagreed with the name Lion Eve wanted it to be tiger and Adam Lion both would discuss and if Adam really insisited it would be Lion. But God did say that both were to name the animals so even if Eve chose a name for an animal she would not be displeasing God. As far as beating a wife the bible talks about that too. It basically says to treat women as if they were a delicate cup. If you think about it you have the everyday coffee cups. You throw them in the sink and stain them and basically don't really care because they are so cheap to get. But a china cup is something different. When used you put gentle things in it such as tea and when put in the sink to be washed it is washed gently and dried carefully and put back into the cabinet just as gently becuase it is precious and could be an antique with a very high value so one would never beat his wife or should never beat his wife. The bible also says that a man does not beat himself why should he beat his wife? A man treats himself with respect and the woman should deserve the same respect. That is the way things should be.
you have to be more careful about reading history. It's not only one idea, one country. It's a jig saw puzzle and we should read also between the lines... But that is not given to you. Alas....

women can read between the lines
women have no depth perception its been proven lol
Most likely, but women have their instinct, far more reliable!
';And it is written...that a day will come come when he who calls himself 'inevitable onslaught on Iran' will come forth and spew sh*t about women...the people will take no heed for all will know that he speaketh from his buttocks...';
lol think it's the other way round.
Hon, Aristotle died in 322 BC.

We've made a little progress since then, wouldn't you hope?

As far as insight, sight and vision, you cant take an entire half segment of society and pin such a generalization on them. Its like saying all men think with their um, you know....

I've met some pretty dingbat women, dear, and I have also met some pretty devoid men.

Culture, religion, environment and personality all determine an idividuals response.

You may not know this because sometimes insight dictates you just keep your mouth shut.
11So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

12A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.

13He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;

14Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.

15Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Simply put - NO!!!!!

I have often been able to give people insight into problems that seemed unanswerable at the time and not just on matters of the heart either, but on practical matters too. Unfortunately there are men (probably yourself) that believes that women are just a decorative item, without a thought in their head.

I remember when a relative was getting a house built there was a question of where to put the manhole in order to access the roof for storage, and the few men there had come up with impractical suggestions, like sticking it in a cupboard, or over the bed. When I came up with a better solution - using the skylight shaft and installing a door on the side (open floor space so plenty of room for a ladder) - the wife agreed, but asked me to relay that to my husband, so he could tell hers. Her husband said it was a brilliant idea and of course ';it took a man to come up with something that practical';. She just smiled at me. Her husband would have pooh-poohed the idea if I had presented it.

Maybe that's the problem?

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