Friday, February 12, 2010

Has anyone had any true ghost encounters or visions etc?

when i was young, around 10 I think, my nan died. I used to see her from time to time, when I was around 8..But my parents kept me distant from her, because they said she was money obsessed, snobby, bitter and didn't even like children.

So she really wasn't too keen on meeting me, when I was little. I still remember her hair, it was fairly short and grey. I don't remember what she looked like much though. She passed away when I was around 10. But my parents didn't tell me, as I never saw her anyway. When I was 12 I saw her ghost, she was standing over my bed, just watching me... I opened my eyes to see her, it was quite dark. But she was really pale and transparent, she kind of glowed.. Its hard to explain. But she was watching over me, just staring at me. I remember having a bad aura come over me immediately I felt threatened. I shut my eyes, almost hiding myself from her.. When I opened them she was gone..

I found out she was my nan when I told my parents what happened, they explained what she looked like, and she fitted the description perfectly. I've seen pictures of her, only recently though because they didn't want to scare me when I was young. But she looked exactly like her, i couldn't believe it.Has anyone had any true ghost encounters or visions etc?
I have three children, one son Aidan (15) and two daughters Natalie (14) and Jasmine (13). About a year ago everything was pretty normal, you know the kids determined to stay up later, my husband glued to the TV. Pretty much my usual household behaviour ha ha. After the kids finally fell asleep, I went downstairs to watch TV with my husband. After about an hour or so, I heard Aidan charging down the stairs. He said Natalie was being pathetic, crying her eyes out making a scene over nothing, and he couldn't get to sleep...

I sat down on Natalie's bed and asked her what wrong, she said she had the worst nightmare ever. I asked her what happened, she said she had a dream about a man being murdered she wasn't sure how she remembered but she said she could tell what his name was. I recognised the name, but I couldn't put my finger on where from.

Turns out, he used to live here but I'm still unsure of how he died. I sometimes still get letters for him...Creepy huhHas anyone had any true ghost encounters or visions etc?
my whole family are quite interesting, well, only my mum's side -

gran has visions, but small things like she was going to fall off the ladder!! once her grandfather who was long dead was sitting on her window and told her that her mum who was ill upstairs had fallen out of bed, and when she went to check on her, she had fallen out of bed.

my grandpa's mother had a crystal ball and they say that she saw the death of her son in the war, so she threw it away after that they think. He was killed in the war. I wish i could find that crystal ball, i have looked in their attic.

my mum can hold an object of someone she doesn't know and is able to describe their house, their bedroom and where they live in detail, just like she's in their room, even though she's never been there and hasn't been told A THING about that person!

and as for me, when i was little, i'd hear vocices calling me to come to them (how creepy does that sound!! - it was scary at night time cause they'd all whisper round my bed, which is probably why i'm still an insomniac!!) i see blue light when people have bashed themselves and apparently that means they're healing. i see shadows of spirits all the time. when i was a teenager it was stronger, i could make out features and clothes, i can sense when someone is in the room. the blue spirits (yes they're blue!! like the light from a gas-cooker) they are just visiting i think, and the grey ones are stuck on earth i've figured, but the white ones are time-slips, just like when we are physically scarred after we are hurt, when something bad has effected a person, dead or alive, it bruises or scars on the atmosphere and that moment re-plays.
Last year, I saw a ghost of a blonde lady, one of great beauty and grace. She was like a ballerina with all soft movements and looked like Joan Blondell.

There was nothing threatening about about this lady, as she was a very warm person with radiant smiles and easy manners.

It was in a nursing home where she appeared by the end of one patient's bed. She was looking over to an elderly woman, who kept calling for her long-deceased mother.

In appearance, this smiling lady ghost looked to be 25 years of age, dressed in fashion of between 1930's and 1940's. She wore a black cardigan, a black skirt and a white blouse with long frilled cuffs reaching down to her knuckles and with a large fan-shaped collar. She wore half her blonde hair in a black hairnet, a fashion in WWII era. The hairnet was called a snood in those days.

The elderly woman wasn't aware of the ghost's presence as she was stricken with Alzheimer's Disease.

Everyday for over a year, I had been feeding this elderly woman out of friendship, not for payments. Most nurses had troubles with feeding her, whereas I had none.

Something happened during one mealtime. I was having trouble with feeding the patient, who kept crying out for her mother. I handed her the mirror, as to alleviate her misery. That made her very happy. Being affected by AD, she talked to the reflection in the mirror, mistaking it for her mother. Talking to her reflection, she said things like: ';mother, would you like a cup of tea?';

Poor soul, I thought.

Then suddenly, I saw a smiling lady spirit nearby. She saw what I had done and was not offended. She smiled sweetly at an elderly patient talking into the mirror and she looked very moved by this.

I saw something in this lady spirit's face. I saw her motherly love for the elderly patient, who had been calling for her. Next moment, she turned round to me and thanked me for seeing her daughter everyday. Then, she faded.
Not me, but I think my husband has. See what you think.

One night he had a dream that his long dead grandmother was searching for him. When she found him she was wearing the headscarf him %26amp; his young sister had bought her one birthday.

She asked where his sister was living, as he was the only one who would tell her the truth.

He told her, she thanked him %26amp; left. End of dream.

A few days later, he was talking to his sister, when he happened to mention the dream to her.

She was astounded, as he daughter had woken up that night with a bed dream %26amp; had been shouting about a woman standing in their garden with horses on her head.

She had never known the old woman as she had died about 8 years b4 the child was born.

The head scarf they had bought their gran had horses on it.

What do you encounter from beyond or not?
I have felt an arm lying across me one night. It was a nice, young arm, so was not afraid. I have felt presences and sometimes hear voices saying hello!

My parents and brother are v. perceptive to these things. My dad has excellent control of his ears and can really tune into the spirit realm. He says it is like receiving e-mails - except they are recorded. Some are in German (which he cannot understand) and some in English.

My mum sees things better. She has had some amazing visions.My brother used to see these blue, glowing people as a kid.

He also had a strong vision of his death (in his last life) He died on the battle field during WW2 and was a German soldier.His job as a soldier was to good set up bombs, but they were attacked and he said he could feel the bullets going through his body. Spooky hey?

I can remember my brother as a child fascinated with military things, he used to build fortresses and little trenches in the forest, and even made a few home made bombs (which was forbidden by my mum)
Yeah, and I didn't like it at all.

Until a few years ago, I lived with my family in other house and really strange things used to happen there. We used to hear someone knocking on the doors, hitting the walls or furniture and I saw the silhouette of person, apparently a child, standing near my door. You can't imagine how scared I felt!

Fortunately, we had the chance to move and I haven't had any other rare experience.

I have a ';guardian spirit'; that follows me and stays wherever I live. I believe he is the spirit of an older half brother that I was unaware of until after he was killed in a freak accident. Others have heard him speak my name and seen him move things around me.

When I was about 14 years old I used to baby sit for a family that lived in a huge OLD farmhouse. These folks had 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls. The house had a second story that was made up of two big rooms with a hallway between. One night, middle of summer, I was babysitting for them, all 7 of us were downstairs watching TV. I got up to get the popcorn off the stove and passed the stairwell, there was a freezing cold mist coming down the stairs, I really didn't think much of it and settled back down with the kids to watch TV. Then I started to hear a little girl giggling and running around upstairs, thought it was one of the kids, counted and it wasn't. This went on all night.

When I got home I told my mom what I had seen and heard, she had had the same experiences in that house, but, didn't want to scare me so she never told me about it. Turns out the house had been built in the 1700s by a wealthy family that only had one child, who was retarded.

Back then they thought that the retarded were possessed by the devil, these people had kept their little girl in the upstairs rooms her entire life so the neighbors would not know they had a ';posses ed'; child.


Another one, I live in a town in Colorado that has a LOT of paranormal activity. One night I was with a group of ';ghost hunters';, we had brought one of those gadgets that measures energy fluctuations. We were in an alley where the entrance to the oldest barbershop in town is located and I saw a man sitting in the doorway, he was wearing brown, or tan homespun pants, a patched jacket and a floppy hat. He had his knees propped up and his arms crossed on them and his head on his arms. There was a greasy looking paper bag by his feet. I opened my mouth to say something about him, at the same moment he disappeared and the ';gadget started going off the charts!!!!

I had picked up his energy before the machine even did. I was told I'm a sensitive and the ghost hunters ask me to go with them a lot now.
I once lived in a street where the cemetery was just down the road and on a hill, only 100 to 200 meters away from our house. I was about 10 at the time and im not sure anymore if it was a dream or not but i remember waking up for no reason and looking outside my window and seeing a red light making its way through the graves then down the hill then fading out.

I also remember going there for a dare and fog started to appear around me, but the forecast did say foggy but no where else was foggy.

Aaaaand! dun dun dun, i hear voices sometimes. Its really creepy and it freaks me out when im on my own. I can never understand what they are saying but it just scares the crap out of me!
I have one, and it still haunts me to this day.

When I was 10, (Im 12 now, and don't tell me Im not old enough to be on Yahoo).

Well when I was ten and my brother was 7, we were staying over at our grandma's house downstairs in the basement where all her old stuff is stored. (There is this weirdo dungeon type thing down there like a jail cell or something I dont know what it is but it's not real). Ok so we were down there, I didn't want to sleep down there, I was so afraid beause everytime I went down there I just felt a presence. And, it was around 10:30, I'd say, and we had to sleep in this room where all these McDonalds toys were. Well I was thinking of happy times, and about to go to sleep when I heard crying coming from that jail cell room (my grandma is sleeping by this point) I run over there thinking I have to face my fears and protect my grandma and brother because in my head I knew someone dangerous or a paranormal person was there, just knew it. And then I see theres a dead guy in the cell and a woman crying in front of it. Had he commited suicide? And then I hear a thump over by our bed and I see all the McDonalds toys had spilled, and a girl was yelling, ';THEYRE MINE, GET OUT MY MOM AND DAD DONT WANT YOU HERE!';.

So I wake up my brother, who had not heard this at all, and we run upstairs and I wake my grandma up, and she said someone had commited suicide there long ago downstairs.

Today she says I turned white when she told me, and I convinced her to move if she ever wanted to see me again. But she didn't and I only see her when she comes to my house. I wont take a step in there. And I won't ever again.
Thought i had once, i was lying on the settee, when for no good reason it began to shake. I got off, checked the legs %26amp; the floor %26amp; could find no logical source. Turns out, there had been a minor earthquake, %26amp; let me tell you, they are as rare as hen's teeth in the UK midlands.
A little boy used to live at my house... he followed people around the house and one day my Dad saw him walking down the stairs; he was home alone; so he ran out lol.

My friend showed me a picture of her old house... her Dad had fallen down the stairs and the camera took a picture; and you can see a woman running up stairs holding her dress up (it was like victorian) and it must have been her who made my friends Dad fall... because, she was running past him and you can see it clearly.

My Mum saw a white fuzz walk up my stairs and into my bedroom... she came in to check i was ok and no one was in there. we think that was my Nan.

My Mum and Sister went to my Nan's grave on Mother's Day and looked across (to the older graves) and saw something that looked like a grave or like people gavering around a grave... but, it was in the middle of the path. they thought it was strange and when they looked back... it was gone. they are pretty sure it was my Nan. and on that same day a stone was thrown right in front of them. it was actually thrown. no one else was near at the time and it wasn't kicked by them.

My Sister once woke up and a man was standing over her... she closed her eyes and looked again... he was gone (i am pretty sure that was just a dream though, because she doesn't remember that now).

Once at School there was this thing going around about a girl who committed suicide at the school. so, we went a knocked on the toilet door about 4 times... and one knock came back. BUT, the toilets were never opened; always locked and no one could have gotten inside to knock back. when we asked teachers why they were never open; they never told us a real reason.

My Nan used to sit in this chair at her house and had a touch lamp next to it. When she died it wasn't put away or anything as my Grandad would sometimes use it. Anyway, he locked up the house and went to bed... few hours later he got up and went to the toilet. on his way back, out of the corner of his eye he say the lamp; it was on... the only way it could have turnt on was from a touch; and he never touched it... it was on the brightest light so must have been touched 3/4 times. (paper and other objects cannot turn those lamps on).

Another time my Grandad came home from work and a plant that he bought for my Nan (after she passed) was lying in the middle of the floor... it was really heavy; it would take two people to lift it. so, there's no way it was just pushed off by the wind and it wasn't smashed so it didn't drop with force. he is sure it was my Nan and i am certain of it too.

I find all that stuff really interesting :) X
Yh. my brother died when he was 16 and i was 5. he came and sat at the end of my bed, and told me im in danger, i freaked out completely =/
Yes I have had numerous over the last 25 years or so.

Hope this helps :-)
You're the same person that wants to play with a Quickie board?

Here, contact these folks, you can be on the next episode!
i have when i was quite young. It was the ghost of my great grandmother
yeah :)

I've seen a nun's ghost at our school.

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