Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do i keep having dreams-visions that come true!!!???

this is really freakyWhy do i keep having dreams-visions that come true!!!???
There are multiple possibilities.

1) Coincidence.

Over the course of a lifetime, there is bound to be instances where dreams very closely resemble real life. If you take the average number of times this happens across a population, this will happen more often with some people then others for no other reason then chance.

2) False sense of deja vu.

There are different response delays in different parts of your brain, i.e. some parts of your brain pick up on things faster then others. It is possible you get a glimpse of something happening in real time that hits a certain part of your brain before you consciously recognize it.

3) You are looking for it, i.e. quasi self fulfilling.

Pick some color or number at random. Over the next day, notice how many times and in how many ways you see it. The next day, choose another color or number.

4) You are unconsciously being guided towards things in your dream.

Think of it as something like internal advertising. Brains respond to all inputs, conscious and unconscious.

You dreams of an amusement park. Your brain worked to make it happen.

5) Extrapolation.鈥?/a> i.e. what happens if this happens? aka educated guess.

Imagine you are at the grocery store. At Register #1 you see a tired parent with five kids and a cart full of groceries. The kids are crazy. The cashier is new. At Register #2 you see a person with a small basket of things. The cashier has been around for a while.

Which customer will finish first? Life experience will tell you #2.

Predicting the future could be nothing more then an advanced innate ability to extrapolate. I believe the subconscious mind is much better then picking up on subtle clues then the conscious one, meaning it all probably happens without you noticing it.

Something(s) happened in real life which lead your brain to extrapolate to the eventuality of going to the amusement park.

6) You are an exhibiting an early form of PreCognition and have the ability to see the future.

This means the future has happened already and you can see it. Some people say ';impossible'; on this one; it's tricky to explain without having to rewrite a lot of the present theories about what we know about the universe. Just ask Newton.

attn.3003.30.03.2663476.Why do i keep having dreams-visions that come true!!!???
I was a bit like that it kinda realli freaky i wud amagion tht sum1 wud *** round the corner were i wo\ walkin and they wud the same person that i thought wud happen. And me and my friend did this bookwhere u have 2 ask a quiestion what wud happen and it ca,e true. It just stopped
i used to do that but i was afraid and found a way to push that stuff aside. i don't think you should i believe it is a gift that can benefit you and perhaps others now i would work at keeping and improving this gift. tmm
probably you have that clairvoyance gift which you may able to see what's gonna happen in future through your dreams.
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