Friday, February 12, 2010

Vision of self as seen in the light of god; With the help of same only; What is our true identity.?

EVERY BODY SPEAKS THUS; ';I have a body, mind, heart and intelligence';.

It means that; Every BODY has an I; and this I of every BODY OR THE SELF; uses the body, mind, heart and intelligence of its own. This concludes that there are six things that exist, work, and perform in existance; which are; THE I; THE I OF EVERY BODY OR THE SELF; THE BODY, THE MIND; THE HEART; and THE INTELLIGENCE.

What is IT; that binds all the six in the existance together with itself, now totalling seven; and What is IT that drives ALL THE SEVEN TOGETHER TO PERFORM; FINALLY TOTALLING ALL TOGETHER AS EIGHT.

Where is each one of us in the EIGHT THINGS which exist in the existance; What is its identity; Which ONE among the eight in existance is truly us; because in death nothing remains;

WHO; AMONG THE EIGHT IS TRULY ME OR YOU; WHAT IS MY OR YOUR IDENTITY; WHAT IS IT THAT I OR YOU DO; AND WHAT IS IT THAT I OR YOU HAVE TO DO; IN THE LIGHT OF ABOVE.Vision of self as seen in the light of god; With the help of same only; What is our true identity.?
You over complicate things.

God declares man is tri-partite; spirit and soul and body..........

';Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.';

I Thessalonians 5:23

The spirit of man must be born again.....

';Jesus answered, ';Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' ';

John 3:5-7

The soul must then be renewed by the Word of God - the Scriptures.

The body is to be presented as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)Vision of self as seen in the light of god; With the help of same only; What is our true identity.?
The Soul is the identity of the individual. I am Soul, you are Soul, each individual is Soul.

The fact, as you have pointed out, that we say ';my body, my mind';, means there is something apart from body and mind that constitutes the ';I';.

Everything else is a modification of the mind, through the control of Soul.

';samjnaanam aajnaanam vijnaanam prajnaanam medhaa drShTir dhrtir matir maniiShaa juutih smrtih sankalpa kratur asuh kaamo vasha iti sarvaaNi prajnaa naamaani.';

';Cognition, volition, directed intelligence, abstract intelligence, retentive intelligence, vision/intuition, forbearance, wisdom, maturity, memory, decision-making, action-forming, desire, control, etc are all forms of the single mind, controlled by Soul.';

So all other aspects are not ';I';, only he Soul is ';I';.
Your argument is invalid because your premise says ';Every body speaks thus: ';I have a body, mind, heart and intelligence';. When in fact not everybody speaks thus. I would begin reading some philosophy of some great thinkers to better dive into this subject. Because to some, as Descartes would say ';I think, therefore I am'; is all you can do to proove of your existence. Then Sarte would go further and state that the fact you can observe that you even think, means there is an observer a part of you...which seems to be on track of what you kind of are getting to.

You want to go deep...start with philosophy, and also spirituality, quatum physics, mew age theory...the list goes on and on.

But above all...find a correct premise!
There is no such this as ';I'; or ';me';, there is only ';we'; and ';you'; and ';them'; don't exist. there is only ';us';. The rest are illusions of the mind to create a separate identity. It is also called by Eckhart Tolle ';the Pain Body';.
Are you asking a question, or making a statement?

Also, why do you feel the need to type in capital letters?
Love, or in other words your Spirit binds the 7 together and it totals 8.
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