Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Has anyone ever had a vision of the future that came true?

And if so, what religion are you?Has anyone ever had a vision of the future that came true?
i have had many visions as you call them,i say seeing,i am of no religion but am spiritual.Has anyone ever had a vision of the future that came true?

It seems silly but for a long time I was able to predict which ';Simpsons'; and ';Seinfield'; re-runs would be on the next day.
I had a strange dream that virtually came true in detail but the thing is, I didn't realize it was prophetic or anything. (That was probably so I wouldn't get swell-headed by bragging abut my tele-pathetic powers.) For details please refer to my Best Answer under the category of dreams. It was long and I don't feel like typing it all a second time.
Yes, just a couple of days ago I had a vision that someone would come to Yahoo!Answers and ask if anyone had a vision of the future that came true.
Yes, when I was 8 or 9 yrs old. We were getting ready to go to church on a Sunday morning and the phone rang. I thought to myself, ';wouldn't it be weird if someone was calling to say the church burned down?';.. guess what? They were. Someone had set our church on fire that morning and it was completely burned. How strange is that? Baptist Christian.
I had a vision of the 9-11 attacks on the trade towers about 9 months prior to it happening, however I didn't understand what it meant. When a friend was about to move to lower manhattan, I saw a vision of a giant smoking hole filled with rubble where the trade towers once stood. I told her that... and that I didn't understand it at all... but that I just felt an incredible sense of danger... as if it was a terrible accident or something... She didn't move... the morning of the attack, she called me and asked me if I was watching tv... of course I was... who wasn't. She asked me if I remembered what I had told her. I did, and I told her that as horrible as it all seemed, it looked nothing like my vision. The next morning, when the cameras were showing the scene after the towers had fallen, it was an identical scene.

I don't know where the vision came from, I wish I had known what it all meant beforehand, but who would have believed me. It turned out that my friend didn't move because the apartment she was going to rent %26lt;less than a block away from the towers%26gt; became unavailable, not because I told her about the vision.

I was raised Christian, but haven't attended a church in MANY years and probably won't ever %26lt;never say never%26gt; I believe in Christianity, but I don't believe that is the only way to God. I believe %26lt;as Paul did when he said we were to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling%26gt; that each of us finds our own way to God.

I hope I never have a vision of that sort again. I do not claim to have visions. Do not want them, cannot call them up at will... that one just came to me and it was a picture just like a video clip from a newscast... only in my head, not through my eyes. It was really a mystery until 9-12-01 when there was nothing left but the giant smoking hole filled with rubble. I pray I never see anything like that again.
Yeah I had a couple actually throughout my life. They're not bad like I'm going to die, but they're mainly about everyday stuff I'm about to do like anywhere from a week to 6 months from when I have them. They are life-like, but I don't remember them until they actually happen to me later unless it's urgent.

I'm a Catholic Christian by the way which I guess is sorta agsint what the church tells me to believe, but meh.
No not really...Im a Hindu....
I had one before about my boyfriend getting hurt, and about 2 or 3 weeks later he hurt himself int he army about a week before he was supposed to leave for iraq, So yeah i've had them and I dont really have a religion
does it really matter what religion someone is? like does one religion see the future more often than the other ppl? w/e.. so yea.. i have seen the future but i prefer to call it 'seeing a thing that just happened to come true and i told everyone about it cuz i thought it was cool' lol.. its not like totally insane to me.. its just cool lol
It wasn't a religious vision..... when I was like 10, I had a dream that my best friend was gonna give me a stuffed animal fox for my birthday..... and she did. I'm just good and plain Christian.
I get something like that every so ofton. Sometimes I will do something or go somewhere and as soon as I do it I remember it from before yet I have never done it before its almost like a dream!

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