Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is the true meaning of Peter's vision of the sheet with unclean animals?

Acts 10:11-14What is the true meaning of Peter's vision of the sheet with unclean animals?
I agree, it was a message to Peter that gentiles, yes even gentiles, are to hear the gospel and that they are also able to inherit God's promise. The four corners of the sheet are representative of the four corners of the world. Preach to ALL nations. What is in the sheet is both clean and unclean, such is the world to.

Peter counted his own physical hunger as a distraction in hearing God, refusing to eat unclean meat - much like we are typical of counting one who does not believe as a distraction to our work for God. That is our work though!! :)

Peter’s response is typical of us. He says “no” to his Lord in regards to eating unclean meat, the unclean meat is the gentiles. The idea that someone not cleansed by the Lord is worth our time - we say no to them, God tells us say yes, just like Cornelius says ';What is it Lord';, rather than what Peter said ';Not so Lord'; Look and see what it is that God wants you to do, not assuming you already know.

The only legitimate answer to a request from our Lord is “yes.”

The Lord has purpose in all he does, we don't know that purpose, but he does. Even Peter, the one who first confesses Jesus as Lord and truly the son of God, struggles with mistakes.

We can't put God in a box and limit what we think he is capable of . What you say today in preaching the Gospel may be ignored, but down the road, those words might be remembered.What is the true meaning of Peter's vision of the sheet with unclean animals?
Swine and other creatures are considered 'unclean' by Jews because God declared them to be unclean and forbade them from eating them. In Peter's vision the Lord sends a sheet containing all sorts of these unclean creatues and commands Peter to partake of them. At the time Peter was fasting and very hungry and, in obedience to the law, Peter said that he would not partake of the unclean animals. Three times he was requested and three time he refused. Finally, the Lord said ';what I have cleansed do not you call unclean';.

Prior to this point the Gentiles (non-jews) were considered 'unclean' by the Jews. It was forbade for a Jew to go into their home, eat with them and so on. Now the Lord is telling Peter that the Gentiles are now also included in the Covenant of Salvation and that they should not be considered unclean because He, Himself has cleased them.
What is the true meaning of Peter's vision of the sheet with unclean animals?

Acts 10:11-14

bethy4je... Remember that the pagans which was called the Gentiles eat anything but the Jewish people do not. The Jewish only eat animal which they consider to be clean. That is the destingtion between the Jewish and the Pagan. One of this Jewish was Peter. Peter believed the salvation which was Christ and His teaching was only belong to them the Jewish people. The Gentiles has no right of it. That is the reason why God let Peter dreamed about the unclean animals which was already made cleaned meaning that the Salvation which was Christ and His teaching must be preach to the Gentiles or Pagan nation.

This means the Salvation is for all mankind.

hope this enlighten you in any way.
Peter was a Jew and therefore was not allowed to eat certain animals. God sent the sheet down and told him to ';rise,kill, and eat'; Also as a Jew Peter was not supposed to associate with Gentiles(non-Jews) but God said what I have made clean dont call unclean and soon afterward he was sent to preach Jesus to the Gentiles. Basically God was telling him that it is Jesus' sacrifice that makes a thing clean or unclean so that the gospel could be preached and Gentiles as well as Jews could recieve that sacrifice.
The true meaning of that is this: If you look at the whole context soon after that Peter went to see Cornelious a (gentile.) God was allready preparing Peter's heart regarding different nationalities of people Peter had an issue and predjudice God wa dealing with it. The unclean animals represent other nations that would come to beleif In Jesus. Hope this helps.Blessings
Traditional Christianity would dictate it meant the acceptance of the Gentiles by God through Christ. I agree.

I also think it meant anything God has put on earth has been made new by Christ's death, and, as such, is a blessed and good thing. That being the case, it would apply to literal pork as far as eating, I mean (as an off-note).
It meant that salvation was no longer only for the Jews but now was also for the Gentile nations. Hence when Peter finished with the vision there was Cornelius at the gate (a gentile from the Italian band) and Cornelius and all of his family also were saved.
God was showing Peter that God has brought Jew and Gentile

into the Kingdom of God. We are not to call unclean that which

God has cleansed. Anyone Jew or Gentile who believe that

Jesus is the Christ is born of God and this is the Mystery Doctrine that was revealed to Paul. They were not to follow

Jewish ritual any longer.
The imparting of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Gentiles were hated by Jews and considered 'unclean'.

God is telling Peter that the Gentiles have been made clean by Him and they are not to be shunned concerning the Good News of Jesus Christ.
A trashing of a whole bunch of God's law in the Old Testament about unclean animals, except homosexuals... the sanction against homosexuals is not included in the sheet that comes down from Heaven.... LOL..!!! How primitive can you get?
that the Gospel is for all...Jews and gentiles, clean and unclean...

His salvation made everyone clean that accept...

it has nothing to do with changing the menu
Some wrongly determine that God was changing His laws regarding foods He created as unclean for man. Peter gives the understanding he received in verse 28. He had been prejudiced against gentiles.
It was telling Peter to accept the idea of gentiles coming into the church, because, up until then, it had been only Jews and they were never an evangelical religion.
God see us all equal. God want us to go and speak of minister to the gentiles. And it is clear when you read Peter phrase...';God is no repecter of persons...';
It was a premonition about pokémon bedding.
God made all people clean and ready for salvation. The Jews thought that the Gentiles were unclean.
It means simply this:

What God calls clean.

Meat does not define a person.............God's grace does
It is about not judging people!
Nothing is unclean that God made. No matter our own opinions. breaking a new puppy?
the true meaning is that only june 20th 2009 the antichrist shall be born in the bronx zoo from a jackal, and his first breath will be taken on a bed of slaughtered animals

this will signify the beginning of the end
  • avast
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