Friday, February 12, 2010

I have visions, and they come true am i psychic?

and when i see into the future and they're not good should i tell someone. Especially if it affects them? or just know what's going to happen and just accept it. ??? How do i get more in touch with my visions?I have visions, and they come true am i psychic?
Yeah I would tell them... i mean if you could stop someone from getting in to a wreck, then why not. I don't know how to tell you to get in touch with them more, but i would tell someone if i thought something bad was going to happen to them.I have visions, and they come true am i psychic?
its GOD who reveals it to you,if its not a good dream you should pray to GOD to see what happens about it
By definition, if you have visions of the future and they come true, then yes, you're psychic. More accurately, the talent is called clairvoyance (if you hear things, it's called clairaudience).

You can develop the skill by paying close attention to the things you see. Try writing them down. Keeping track of what you see is useful because it gives you a way to think about it objectively. When you write about the vision, also include what you think it means, or what kinds of feelings you have about it.

Later, if the vision comes to pass, you can write down what actually happened. That way you will begin to see what the visions mean, and will develop your skill at interpreting them.

You could then attempt to ';control'; the visions, by trying to see something about a particular person, place, or event. Keep a journal of these experiments to keep track of how well it works.

You will get more in touch with your visions by taking them seriously and trying to study the phenomenon in yourself.
IF you do have these so called powers, than its your choice to do what you will with them, and use them the way you should.

But if it is not a good thing, like if the person is going to get hurt, tell them so they can avoid it (if they even believe you).

Then again, messing with the way something should have gone (like if they were going to die, and you told them, so they did not die) could get you into some trouble. It might of been better if they did die.

And ';more in touch with visions??'; Give me a break.
I don't know if you are psychic....

But I do believe that everyone has the ability to look into the future.It has happened to me and alot of people before

There was a time that I didn't know what to do because I had dreamt something a few nights before and it had come true.

Nothing complicated it was just like a 2-5 second scene.

I think it is DejaVu.

In fact I remember having similar experiences since I was five years old I would dream about things maybe months before and they would come true.

I don't remember dreaming about something big hapening or anything I just remembere like scenes or sentences that certain people said.

For instance this happened like two to three years ago .

I dreamt that I saw an apache man in a picture inside a glass compartment and my family was beside me.

I live in Houston and like three months after I had that dream me and my family went to Mexico(I am originally from there) and while we were there we stumbled into a shop and we wnt inside. Then I saw it the same exact vision that I had seen in my dreams everything was the same the apache and the placement of my family members.

i didn't tell anyone because I didn't think they would believe me but I was just astonished because of what I had seen.

Similar experiences have happened since then but they were all pretty insignificant.

If you do have the power to see into the future then it is for a reason.

For a long time I thought that maybe I was supposed to predict something bad happening because of what I thought I had. Then I learned that other people in my family had had other such experiences

In relevance to your question i think you should tell someone if anything else they might be able to help you.

If you have ever had a bad vision come true then definitely try to stop it. Me myself I didn't believe in such things until ';that'; happened to me. But if you do have that gift GOD has given it to you for a reason and it is your job to figure out what that reason is. It is liike they say your ';destiny';.

Also listen to your concience and your ';reality senses'; your gut your instinct that is the only sure way to take apart reality from fiction.

Try to do breathing relaxing excercise to get your mind thinking clearly..............

There are times when the imagination can perform amazing fake things so be careful in what you decide to do.

Hope this answered your question if you have any further questions then you can e-mail me
yeha i had that like every night when i was 14 now im 16 and have it every now and then, but if i meditate before i go to bed i have a vision.Its not easy i know but in my opinion do what ur gut says to do.good luck
3 years ago I sow my brother鈥檚 death. I was at my brother's sons birth the very second his son entered this world I sow what would happen to me brother a month from then. I did not tell anyone I thought I was going mad. Every day I live with the gilt that I did nothing to stop it. I still get visions but I always tell someone about it. I do get feelings of bad news before it is delivered to me; I think I might have blocked my visions out because I am afraid of the responsibility that goes with it (good luck)
I have dreams that come true quite often. Sometimes months or years later. I attribute it to de javu. Here is a site that might be able to help you:鈥?/a>
';Getting deeper'; or more in touch with this particular ability may or may not be something that I can advise you about. That's because this sort of ability manifests differently for different people, and developing it requires different things from different people. So I don't know how you can develop yours.

The future is something no one is really surre about yet. It may be that there is no way to stop what is coming, and that whatever you do to prevent it will in fact cause it. And if you don't do anything, it may happen anyway.

But I don't believe in fate, and I have seen the future change. If it is fated to happen, then you have nothing to lose by trying to stop it, but if you can change it, then it will be worth your trouble.

Telling someone might not be so easy, though, because if they don't believe you, they label you as crazy and all your advice amounts to nothing. If you can find a way to steer them out of danger instead, that wouldl be advisable.
I think you probably are psychic.I would just keep at it and your ability will probably get stronger.If you believe in God you could ask him to help you get better at it.I think God gives people visions of the bad things that are going to happen so you can warn that person.If it is something the person can prevent then I would tell them.If it is something they cant do anything about then I probably wouldn't tell them.
im a psychic`and i see 2pts` added to my total`any second`now`

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