Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Husband lost his vision for an hour.....true or was he lying to get out of work?

He called me and said he was walking away from his work station and suddenly felt dizzy and lost his vision. I had to go pick him up and bring my sister to get his car. He seemed really dramatic and I took the day off today, so I think this was his way of getting the day off too. I would hate to question him and seem careless and insensitive. An hour later he was fine and back to normal as if it never happened. Does any of you think that it is possible to lose you vision like this or has anyone ever had a similar expirience (not with a dramatic lying husband, but loss of vision, in this manner).My Husband lost his vision for an hour.....true or was he lying to get out of work?
I guess it depends on the circumstances. If you have a feeling that he's lying, as in a innate sense that tells you he's lying but you can't quite put your hand on it, you're probably right about it.

But this has happened to me before, and I feel that a grown man wouldn't lie about something like this and call his wife if he wasn't honestly scared... guys tend to never admit that they're scared or panicking.

Can vision lost like that happen? Definitely. During high school I used to get this sudden dizzy feeling, and then part of my vision is gone, like there's a black patch cover half my field of view. Then give it another few hours I lose more vision and eventually get a horrible migraine. I think if he actually experienced this, it could be something very serious and should let your family doctor know about it.My Husband lost his vision for an hour.....true or was he lying to get out of work?
You should have driven him straight to the ER as soon as you picked him up. If he agreed to go, you would have known it was real and he should have seen a doctor.

If he had refused, you would have known he was faking.

My mom lost vision for like a few seconds, and I had to take her to make sure she didn't have what's called a ';retinal stroke';. He should at least see an ophthalmologist to rule out a retinal stroke.
actually this very thing happened to my friend's hubby yesterday. they were driving home and he wanted her to pull over and he went into convulsions...he lost his vision, he bit his tongue, broke out into a sweat...and today he is at work, cuz he feels fine...BUT they took him to the emergency room and he has to go see a nuerologist... i'm finding it hard to understand why you are upset... does your husband have to do something like this in order for him to get the day off?
I'm not really sure what the issue is. Most of us would love it if our spouses took a day off with us.. It seems wierd to me that you're bent over it and think he was lying..

Why would he lie to you about it? And why didn't you drive him straight to the emergency room? Dizzyness and sudden loss of vision should not be taken lightly.
I suffer from migrane auras or Optical migranes. There is no headache but it causes me to lose my vision for about 45 minutes at a time when they happen. I have FMLA that protects me from loosing my job over them if they should interrupt my work. They are common and can be brought on by a number of things from stress to food related issues such as MSG. They were extremely scarey at first, but now I have been having them for 20+ years. Apparently my grandmother had them too.
I've heard of dizzy or blurry vision. But to lose it for an hour and have it come back. I haven't heard. My father was diabetic and lost his vision because of it. I met a blind man once that lost his vision permanently. Do to diabetes. Tell him to go in for a check up.
Umm your first place after picking him up should have been to the dr. If he is lying then that is on him but it's not cool for him to involve you in it.
he lied to u, becuase he wanted the day off to spend time with u. usualy when people get dizzy and stuff it last for a long time usualy for at least 4 to 5 hours.
I would have made an appointment to consult a doctor the same day. Probably faking it.
He may have had a stroke. Go to the ER now.
This proves it!!! It does cause blindness!!!
if it's true... it could be something quite serious.

if he's lying... then you need to can his butt for a new hub...

he should see a doctor
make sure he sees his doctor today or gets to the ER, could be a stroke
No-one apart from a doctor can tell you which it was however I do know that this type of thing can happen when you have had high blood pressure for a while. It's a warning sign and should be taken note of. As you will be aware, prolonged high blood pressure also brings with it risk of a heart attack so I would take him to the doctors to be on the safe side.

Loss of vision like this can also be a sign of diabetes and glaucoma.

I'd get him to docs toot sweet and then, if everythings all clear and he was just ';throwing a sickie'; then the best bet is that he won't be in a rush to do it again. Although, I will say that if he was throwing a sickie then try to think of the reasons behind it - if he is under a lot of pressure and stress and work perhaps he needs a little time out - maybe a holiday for both of you would be in order to recharge the batteries.
  • avast
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