Friday, February 12, 2010

Why am I getting these strange ';Visions/Feelings'; that seem to come true?

Latley, I've been getting these weird ';visions and feelings'; about things. Like I feel that this or that might happen. Recently I had one of these visions that I was on the way to my grammy's funeral. I wasn't sleeping while having this and wasn't thinking about it. When I had feelings abut something they'd usually come true. I am 14 and am not phsycic i just want to know what this means. Please help, this is freaking me out.Why am I getting these strange ';Visions/Feelings'; that seem to come true?
Don't freak out. We all have a 6th sense, you are especially sensitive to things at this time in your life.

It could continue or it could stop.

I know it's scary to have these things happen and I'm sure you are very frighten about the one to do with your grammy.

Just in case you might be right, give your grammy lots of love and attention now, tell her how much you love her.

Some times these things are a blessing in disguise it gives us advance notice to say and do things before it's to late to change things.Why am I getting these strange ';Visions/Feelings'; that seem to come true?
Because your psychic!

You could gaze into the future

You might think life would be a breeze

Seeing trouble from a distance yeah

But it's not that easy oh no

You gotta save a situation then you end up misbehaving


It's the future you can see!

It's so mysterious to me!
You and I can travel through time. Sometimes i fall asleep and wake up in tomorrow. It is weird.

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