Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I wear glasses. I heared that if I stop wearing them my vision will improve. Is this REALLY TRUE? Pleaseanswer

How long will it take for my vision to improve just a bit that I can see a change if this is reallY TRue?I wear glasses. I heared that if I stop wearing them my vision will improve. Is this REALLY TRUE? Pleaseanswer

This site has interesting information.I wear glasses. I heared that if I stop wearing them my vision will improve. Is this REALLY TRUE? Pleaseanswer
no this is not true. i wear glasses and I've been wearing them for years now. I've broken my glasses at a time and i was not wearing them for months. i endured many headaches and migraines. wear ur glasses or just get contacts. but if u have prescribed glass then u need them because without them u can not see clearly causes ur eyes to strain, sometimes without u knowing. this causes the headaches and migraines
yeah to stop wearing glasses is bad but some doctors actual give glasses that will give slightly less than 20/20 visions. Though this doesn't improve your sight it slows the deteriotion of your eyes so that you shouldnt need new strengths all the time
That is a false answer. It will worsen as you get older if you stop.
If your prescription glasses are not a large correction, it would be better to NOT use them. Wearing glasses all the time, allows your eyes to 'relax' as you see well. By NOT wearing them, you are forcing your eyes to see better. I have heard this is better for your eyes. Long term wearing of glasses will juist lead to poorer vision, and another stronger prescription lens.
I wear glasses and have worn glasses since I was in Kindergarten and I am now 25. I try not to wear my glasses unless I absolutely have to. I find that my eyes become dependent on them if I wear them too much, and if I don't wear them then my eyes do get stronger. I hadn't been to an eye doctor in a couple of years and they even said that my eye sight had improved. So, yes I do think that it is true however I am not a doctor, but I don't think that you have to be a doctor to believe something works.
When you stop wearing your glasses, you are doing more damage to your eyes. In order to see, you will be forced to strain. In other words, wear your glasses as prescribed.
Who ever told you was only fooling you, if you don't like your glasses then wear contact or get that lazier surgery so you don't have to wear glasses ever again, my cousin had that done. Now he does have to wear glass or contacts anymore.
It won't improve - its just that glasses can make your eyes 'lazy' because they don't have to strain so much to take in information. Depending on your condition, not wearing them could make them worse through strain. Glasses can encourage the eyes to become lax but in my case (I am long-sighted) i couldn't function properly without them. In some cases eye excersises can help. So can laser surgery, but again it depends on your condition.
I heard some ad on the radio about this, and I personally think it's a load of crap. It doesn't make any sense, and there doesn't seem to be any scientific support for this claim. I'd say, try it, but don't try it while driving!
Nope. Get Lasik surgery.
An eye doctor would disagree with you, but that is because he/she has a vested intrest in having people screw up their eysite.

How Long to see a difference? Dunno.

If your eyesite is real bad, try switching to a weaker prescription for a while. But if you just started wearing glasses - I personally would toss'em in the dumpster.
I'ts not ture.. ooops true

goes to find my glasses
No it does not improve or make worse those are just wives tales
Definitely not true. Wearing or not wearing glasses won't affect your prescription at all, only your ability to see clearly.
Umm .. I wear glasses too .. and actually if you stop it makes your eyes worse because they are straining more to see. I suggest if you don't like glasses .. get contacts.

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