Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If u have a vision will it come true?

a vision like seeing into the future .will it happen or notIf u have a vision will it come true?
no joke when i was 8 i had a vision in which i was in this room, 3 years later it was exactly like in the visionIf u have a vision will it come true?
I have had a few very vivid dreams in my life, some of them had came true and others were just a big waist. Most recently I had three different dreams about my friends whom were pregnant and I ';Which I wasn't at the time, but might be now'; But anyways I told my first friend she was having a girl, and a baby girl was born. I had another dream about my friend and her son and my son where going to be best friends. So I told her about it and that she was having a boy. And Guess what she found out last month she was having a boy. I had yet another dream that our family member. I told her that I think she is having a girl. She found out last week she too is having a girl. Now its my turn. I want my baby! LOL (I have also predicted two deaths dead on) But I also visioned that my mom would die in a car crash, and she still lives. So its hit or miss.
Hey Kelsey,

Many people have visions about this or that. Many times they stem from to much tv or from the stress of your day. Things around you fall into predictable patterns over time. If you are having the same vision over and over, try to figure out what the meaning is, could there be symbolism related to what you are going through right now?

On the other hand you may be one of those special people who have deep insight into things others don't understand.

Try and take it apart and put it back together again. Write it down and date it. Tell people close to you so you get their thoughts.

Good Luck to you
to be honoest its may sound crazy i even think i am crazy but 3 years ago i used to write in a journal about all the dreams i had and i kept having dreams about a girl i met at a school and i didnt know her name but i recognized her face. lived in vermont at the time and moved to michigan and about a month ago i saw the girl and recognized her face and it was her the one girl i had dreams about for so long and it was really wierd in my dreams she had short red hair she was short she was skinny and it was the exact person in my school it was wierd and scary
I know plenty of people that it has happened to. If it comes true, it's a vision. If not, it's your imagination running wild.
I think that it will, if your a real psychic. See if it does and then you will know the next time something like this happens. Sorry, that's the only way to tell if your a real psychic - trial and error.
a vision seeing to the future in dreams is called deja vu.

if u was dreaming.. the vision might be true or it can just be a dream.

otherwise im not sure about visions.
Sometimes. It just depends. Some do, some don't.
no a vision is just a bunch of pictures your brain turns into advents or it could be something you want to happen
probably not

but its possible
its a 50 50 chance
Ha, I was think the same thing. You just never know. =]
only if you believe

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