Friday, February 12, 2010

If Mohammad visions are true, then why in numerous occassions in Christianity?

they have been visions reported by number of people. In these Visions Angels, Jesus, Mary and Other saints have appeared, so why would these visions appear after the Qur'an was written. It makes no sense at allIf Mohammad visions are true, then why in numerous occassions in Christianity?
Esra, you are ignorant about Padre Pio,

and to your question, there are more documented visions to Catholics, then to any other faiths,[even to-day].

from' incorruptible saints, to Medjugorje, Eucharist miracles, all are documented, and easy for research on the web.

Overwhelming proof of miracles do happen in the Christian Church,

forgive me, to the Muslim community,but'' just not a image of Mohamed in a peach stone,If Mohammad visions are true, then why in numerous occassions in Christianity?
Existence of the islamic faith does not nullify previous religions and divine books - this is a fact stated even by the Quran itself. Where verses upon verses state the existence of the Torah, the bible,etc.

The existence of Mary is very real and there is a whole chapter solely dedicated to this divine soul together with Jesus Christ.

All religions are from God, all personalities like Muhammad Jesus mary are from God - they are real, they are divine, so of course if the individuals heart is pure then they will be enlightened with visions of such pure and pious people. Who died in the way of upholding the truth.

I think you have been mistaken, this is not the common general belief in Islam.
The world we live on is spherical. When did we come to know that? In 1597 when sir Francis Drake when he travelled the earth proved that the earth is spherical, but the Quran says 1400 years ago in 79:30 “He has made the earth egg shaped” The Arabic word dahhaahaa'' one of its meaning means, the earth is an expanse and the other is derived from `Dahhyah'' which means ’egg’. And it doesn’t refer to a normal egg but an egg of an ostridge. And we know that the world is not completely round like a ball and is spherical from its shape and if u analyse the egg of an ostridge that to is spherical. Know who could have mentioned that 1400 years ago?

21:30 “Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth was joined together and we closed them asunder”..Who could have written that 1400 years ago?..

earth egg shaped

big bang

and it says in quran about humans been made out of sperm( sexual intercourse sperm )

how cud a man 1400 years ago know this?

the prophet pbuh didnt have schooling? and back then they didnt have much knowledge then to day, scientist. etc.

The Quran is the truth, islam is the truth, christinaitys and other ';false'; relgiions, got the wrong story, prophet jesus, is a messenger

god is alone, he has no family k?

allah akbar.

add me on yahoo ( click on mi profile and see) and il talk 2 u more about this.
Examples please. Be precise.

There were two ways in which God directly 'communicates' with humans and they are:

1 . wahi (?) - divine Revelations: specific to Prophets, Messengers, Warners or as such.

2. Inspiration - to all persons at all times.

Since the God of Moslems, is the same ONE God of Christianity or Judaism, why should one be surprised by your claim ? God who inspires to whose who wish to be inspired.

Through the human history some people were always granted with the power of foresight.

Example : Buddha and his enlightenment. I know he is irrelevant to the topic here, but just as an example.

Hope that helps.
Qur'anic facts have strong evidences relating to world.Qur'an itself is miraculous in many aspects.This proves that it's the words of God.This is not like appearances of angels ,saints etc.Furthermore angels only appear to Prophets.How could those events be a proof???
There are so many visions in every religion...

The real thing is that those visions are made up by the brain...


Show me one single miracle in Quran, i am going to be a muslim right now...
He talks to us through many mediums.............Jesus is an important prophet in the Holy Quran

Everyone can claim to have visions... When a person has passed away their soul are taken and no its not wondering around on earth for you to see. This apply to everyone one. However in Islam we believe in 'Jinns' jinn is a supernatural creature which possesses free will. Jinns are mentioned in the Qur'an, wherein a whole Sura is named after them (Al-Jinn). They can be either good or evil. In some cases, evil genies are said to lead humans astray.

They can transform into any creature including Human. Just to lead you astray.

My friend you are ignorant yourself for not question your belief, for not looking for the truth. You claim Christianity is ';better'; i bet you never questioned it specially about the Loads of different version of Bibles, Which one do you use? the Trinity which doesn't make any sense.

P.s The devil can make you believe in anything... the proof are right before your eyes waiting for you to see it... be observant


Peace to All
Question doesn't really make sense, but if you change ';Mary'; to ';Service Pack 2'; and you have one answer.

Francis Drake? Hmmm...

From what I've read, 13th Century Baghdad was the scientific and mathematical capital of the world, so it seems quite possible they would be able to calculate the shape of the earth. I heard they had worked out the distance from the earth to the moon around that time as well.

Out of curioustity, if other religions are false (and that's discounting quite a number) why did it take so long for the right one to come along? And why are there so many different branches? (I believe someone asked this the other day)

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