Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Atheists: have any of you ever had a dream or vision that came true?

and how do you explain that happening?Atheists: have any of you ever had a dream or vision that came true?
Plenty of them.

Explanation: coincidence, and more importantly, me ';fitting the facts'; to how I remember the dream.

Atheists have these experiences: we just know better than to try to turn them into magical things.

If you want to convince me that there's such a thing as precognitive dreaming, give me the details of a single, specific precognitive dream _about something that hasn't happened yet, and that I can verify_, and we'll see how you do.

Claiming success with past dreams counts for exactly zero as evidence: anyone can ';predict'; the past - it's the future that's difficult. It's amazing how many people are impressed by folks who ';predict'; events that have already happened.Atheists: have any of you ever had a dream or vision that came true?
Most of the so-called ';prophetic'; dreams are merely recapitulations of events that have already taken place or have been set up.

Say one has been planning on a big birthday bash for months. It would be natural to dream about it since it's been on your mind for a while. Does that make it 'prophetic'? No, of course not.
Dreams are how our brains reduce stress, and prepares itself for perceived coming events. They are very natural occurrences and it is proven that animals have dreams too.

Is God showing your puppy the future?

I can't explain it. There isn't anything to explain

There are several possible explanations.
Yup and I call that auto-suggestion.

Mind is a powerful tool.
Nope, not that I can think of.

But if I did, why would it require explanation?
Yes. The news was blaring on the TV.
A lot.

I've no idea.
no - so i cant!
Nope, but I have never expected my dreams to come true. I don't have visions.

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