Friday, February 12, 2010

I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?

ever since i was a little kid i knew i've been different and can see things that not a lot of people can. everytime i come around animals they always gather around me and sometimes I see people that other people can't...weird things like this have always happened. recently i've been having preminitions and dreams and while it's normal for a lot of them to come true, all of them have been coming true lately...nobody except my mom knows this gift but to be honest with you, it's very scary and some of the things I see are very bad sometimes. For anybody who's been in this situation, do you know how to make the visions stop?I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?
No you dont. No you havent and no you never will.

Its fake, a fraud a lie a scam.I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?
i have had dreams that have come true i also have had the feeling of dajavue ... anyways do not want to put too much here for the fact that alot of people think this is all very strange and that anything that is not explainable is not real.

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It's in every human being. Sometimes it only happens a few times, some it lasts for their whole life. I've had it my whole life, and there's no way to get rid of it. You just have to live with it
does this happen when your on shrooms??? mom has a lot of dreams that come true. like she had a dream that my grandma was sick and the next day my aunt called saying that my grandma has cancer. i see it as a should embrace it by charging people money to tell their future..wait can you see what will happen to other people. cause that would rock. i would see a doctor. a lot of these things have a scientific reason behind it. you might have a tumor....sorry didnt mean to freak you out.

if you see people who arent there then you have schizophrenia. i am serious.
The best psychics have an accuracy rate of about 75%. However, if you have a genuine gift, use it for the good of your fellow man, and not for personal gain unless you absolutely have to. Also beware that you interpret what you see correctly.
Dude... if your given an opportunity like this dont give it up so easily... but u have to man up and live with it.. this is how life is for some of us... just learn to live with it... it probably sounds impossible but its not...
save the cheerleader,Save the world.
You sound like a great kid, I'm not sure what's going on...but I'm sure you need to talk to someone who can help you figure it a licensed therapist or pscyhologist who works with kids your age. You need a someone you can talk to confidentially and on a regular basis.
i use to have alot of dreams like that when i was yunger but since i had a supernatural expirence a couple of months ago it just stopped. heres a tip if a ghost comes for your help... help them no matter how scared u r it will make u feel a whole lot better inside.
yea, honestly i hav, i hav a dream, and then 3-4 weeks later it wil come true exactly like u freamed it. and sometimes ur in the midlle of the real thing and ur like HOLY SH*T. Its scary sometimes
yes i have a little psychic abilities, i can hear spirits and i went to a psychic fair once and the woman said that i will develop my ';gift'; and help over people with my ';gift'; but right now it feels more like a curse

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