Friday, February 5, 2010

This is a question for Conservatives, what is your vision for a good and true America?

This question is very general so I am making some rules.

1. Give specific answers and no bashing.

2. Your answer must be 2 fold, Domestic and Foreign.This is a question for Conservatives, what is your vision for a good and true America?
Good and true America??? Ok

Taxes - Either eliminate the income tax or impose a flat tax. Income tax could be replaced by a sales tax.

Social Security and Medicare - Phase out entitlement programs that have been choking our country for so long. I'm not sure what to do with Medicare, but keeping it the way it is isn't the answer. As for Social Security, I say we take a % of what the contribution is for younger people and put it towards the ';fund';. This money will never be seen by the younger people and will only help fund the benefits already promised to older people. The rest of this money will go into a market based account. There should still be a safety net in social security for those who really need it, but most of us should be able to plan for old age on our own without government holding our hands

Guns - repeal all gun control laws. An amendment in the constitution banning weapons of mass destruction should be passed.

Drugs - end the drug war. immediately. We should be following the lessons we've learned from prohibition. This is even worse: we are funding terrorists and other crinimals with drug money while making crinimals out of people who just wanted to get high.

Borders - Secure the borders while allowing for a larger number of immigrants to come in legally

Health care - pressure countries with universal health care to pay their fare share for drugs. this is a major reason why our drugs are so expensive. we also need malpractice reform.

Transportation - Major overhaul. Bullet trains needed in high density corridors. Possibly an interstate train network throughout the country would be needed. We also need more highways (with tolls, of course). My area of the country is going to choke without more highways.

Energy - Drill in the arctic. Drill off the Gulf coast. Drill off the Californian coast. Build more oil refineries. Build more windmills (such as off the coast of Cape Cod). Connecticut has great tax incentives for people to put solar panels on their rooftops. We must do something like this nationwide. All of this is essential if we want to wean ourselves off foreign oil bought from what should be our enemies. For the future, we must figure out the best way to produce hydrogen for fuel cells and then mass produce these fuel cells. This will allow for us to power our cars with fuel cells, but also allow for us to remove a vulnerability to terrorism by eliminating the need for the grid.

Iraq - do not abandon them. Stay in there until they can support themselves.

Trade - Continue to embrace free trade. Discourage protectionism. Countries that close their borders to trade wind up falling behind. This happened to China a few hundred years ago when they were the world's superpower and they are only now catching up that they have embraced free market capitalism. At home, adapt. Manufacturing jobs are outsourcing because of the price of labor, materials, taxes, etc. We still excel in the service-based and knowledge-based economy. To keep this advantage one thing we must do is keep good...

Education - Let the money follow the student, not the school. Allow for private schools to attract students. Allow for schools to fail and close if they are improperly run. Focus on mathematics and science.

I wish some of the people above would've refrained from mindless bashing... The reason we don't have many Republicans in power who think like I do is because we have to please both the ';religous right'; and the elusive ';centrists'; who favor big government liberal politics. This country really is much farther to the left than most of you seem to think. The Republicans aren't conservative, they're just usually closer to the center than whoever the Democrats usually throw out there.This is a question for Conservatives, what is your vision for a good and true America?
Then why did you ask a question ';for conservatives';? Get a life, loser.

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Beer Drinking Nascar fan living in a trailer park?
Flag waving Republican here......

Domestic....end all taxes! We can borrow more money to pay for government functions. End all social spending.

Foreign....We need more wars to show our strength. Iraq is just the start-and that was a total success!
Simple. Reducing taxation should be the principal objective of the legislature, while the executive should seek to eliminate ineffective government programs and unneeded regulation, the objective of both being to enhance economic opportunities. Internationally, our objectives should be open markets in other countries, but with level playing fields. In terms of policy, Democratic elections should be our principal goal for others, and we should seek common ground where it exists among other countries who share that goal.
Sorry, but isn't Cons and Vision an oxymoron? If they had a vision for Iraq for example there would have been a plan for war, victory and the consequent Peace. Instead what do we have, 2700+ dead soldiers, 30,000 plus maimed, daily appraisal and meandering around the issues and billions of tax dollars down the drain.

Vision......LoL... now crying in anger.
True conservatives vision is that of the Constitution. A very limited central government whose only functions are those outlined in the constitution. In other words, it handles only those things that the states can not handle individually (i.e. national defense, trade agreements, single currency, etc.) Everything else is left to the states and individual citizens (as stated in the 10th amendment).

I believe in the foreign policy doctrine called ';victory through superior firepower';. Our military should be so powerful and ruthless that no country would even consider attacking us. Instead of the carrot and stick, I prefer the carrot and MOAB. If you are our friend and ally, we will help you to be a propserous nation like ourselves. If you are an enemy, you will be annihilated from the face of the earth.

Dictators, Kings, communists, and other tyrants are an evil upon the world. How can we call ourselves decent human beings if we stand by and do nothing while our fellow man is enslaved? It should be our policy to end all tyrannical governments and protect democratic governments. It is the right thing to do for our fellow man, and the right thing to do for our own protection.

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