Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that surgery to correct your vision can disqualify you for military service and you should wait?

until you join to get itIs it true that surgery to correct your vision can disqualify you for military service and you should wait?
Yes, it is very true. However, it is not a permenant disqualification. If you have laser eye surgery the miltary will require you to wait one year after the procedure and then get a medical waiver before you can join. This goes for all branches, no matter waht the job. Ironically, once you join you can have the surgery right away from a military doctor. If you plan on joining within the next year or so, you should definitely wait. It will save you a lot of hassle. Getting a medical waiver is a giant pain and takes months.Is it true that surgery to correct your vision can disqualify you for military service and you should wait?
there is a mandatory wait after the surgery, and the MEPS doctor will need the documentation from it. They will also look at what your vision was before the surgery.
Only certain jobs.
Yes. I know someone who was disqualified because of that. After you are in, however, the military will perform the procedure, with the proper paperwork, of course.
No, its not true. Some people in the military even get it at the naval hospital. I would say go for it (if you are under 25 they don't want you to though, the eye docs that is).

Enjoy! I love having decent vision after a lifetime in glasses.
certain jobs, such as infantry and especially sniper require 20/20 eye vision, and are very touchy if you have any prior surgery, and will usually require you to have a specialist examine you before your considered.

best to ring and find out.


I heard a while back that corrective eye surgery cannot be given to pilots. Because of the extreme pressure they endure up there. Has something to do with the eye being cut open. Again, I just heard about this, I'm probably wrong.

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