Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that dogs vision is only in black and white?`?

I being wondering do dogs see things the way they are or do they see in black and white?Is it true that dogs vision is only in black and white?`?
I heart dragons- We know what colors dogs see through science. First off, their eyes are similar to humans in that they both have cones and rods. We know that cones are for color, rods for light. Dogs have fewer cones (they have two, not three as most humans do, except those with red/green colorblindness), allowing them to see less color, but have more rods, allowing them to see in lower light but not as fine tuned. Which makes sense because they would hunt in lowlight in the wild, so being able to see better would be beneficial. Humans rely more on color and fine tuned vision.

We also can do tests to see what colors dogs can distinguish by training them to pick up toys of certain colors.

Here is a chart to give you an idea of the colors they see and an explaination of why鈥?/a>Is it true that dogs vision is only in black and white?`?
No. Dogs are thought to have a form of ';color blindness'; called deuteranopia. This is because they lack the cone photoreceptor that encodes for green. They do have the other two cone types though (red %26amp; blue) so they see some color, although it's likely much less vibrant than what we see because they have fewer color-perceiving photoreceptors (cones) than humans.

However, what they lack in color and detail perception they more than make up for in motion detection and low-light vision. It makes sense since these are much more valuable assets for a carnivore than color would be.
No, because of certain cones in their eyes, scientists now believe dogs can see roughly 7 different shades, I believe it is. So, their color wouldn't be nearly as livid as the color we see, and their world would be more blue and brown toned. Scientists also believe many birds see a lot more color then we can. Can you imagine the world through their eyes?
Yes they do, they see different shades of grey. And this is not called COLORBLIND just so you know, colorblind is where you mistake colors for others, like purple for blue. Stuff like that.
Possibly. Have you ever seen life through a dog's eyes? My guess is only a dog would know.

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