Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true contacts improve your vision?

it just sounds too good 2 be true i dont belive it.Is it true contacts improve your vision?
Nope they are definately designed to make you blind.... tee hee.Is it true contacts improve your vision?
In my opinion, you can see much clearer with contacts than with glasses, mostly because the contact covers the entire cornea. I have actually heard that regualr contact use causes the eyes to become ';dependent'; on them, worsening vision without them, however i don't know if this is entirely true. If you are considering contacts, i would highly reccommend asking your otomestrist for a sample pair so you can try them out. Good luck!
contacts do work...they give you better vision then with glasses since they cover the entire cornea and they are more convinient but a little more dangerous then glasses.

But contacts don't improve your actual vision, as in, they don't fix your eyes, they only make it easier for you to see
I wear gas permeable lenses and they greatly improve my astigmatism by acually changing the shape of my cornea. Soft lenses would not work as well but they do have soft lenses for astigmatism. So my answer is yes they can improve you vision.
well durr

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