Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that wearing glasses screws up your vision?

I heard that wearing glasses all day will eventually make your eyes adjusted to them and be worse without them. Is this true?

I also heard not wearing them will strain your eyes and make them worse anyways. is this also true?Is it true that wearing glasses screws up your vision?

Every time I see a question like this, it makes me want to pull my hair out!!!!


I think this is now my 6th time answering a question like this...why do I answering it? Good question. Because I feel that its my job, as an optician to debunk this myth. Where do you all hear this?????.

No. Wearing glasses does NOT make your eyes worse. Your eyes will get worse on their own timetable, whether you wear the glasses or not. Wearing glasses will not make them worse, nor will they make you more dependent on them. When you wear your glasses, your eyes are able to relax and stop squinting and straining to focus on things and you are able to see clearly. Then when you have them on for a while and take them off, things seem blurry by comparison because your eyes have adjusted to being able to see clearly. Your eyes PREFER to see clearly, so does your brain.

By not wearing glasses, you are causing yourself more eye strain and more squinting and more headaches. It won't worsen your eyes to not wear the glasses, but things sure look a heckuva lot clearer than they do without your glasses...wouldn't you agree???

Read what ';Ilovemyson'; wrote...she's 100% right.

Why is everyone under the impression that wearing glasses is the most awful thing in the world??? If you get through your entire life and all you ever need is a pair of specs to see, then I'd consider yourself lucky.

So for you and the 100's of others that will ask this same question...the answer is NO. It was NO yesterday. It'll be NO tomorrow, and the day after that...and so on and so forth...NO, NO, NO, NO, NO...glasses do NOT make your vision worse.

What will happen from wearing glasses??? You'll be able to see. Imagine that!Is it true that wearing glasses screws up your vision?
wearing glasses does not screw up ur eyes it makes them weaker. Without glasses you strain your eyes which is fine and keep a constant ability of eye sight. With glasses you decrease this ability so when u take them off u cant see as well as you could when u got glasses
you should wear glasses if they help you see better
i don't know the actual answer but i can tell you that i have had glasses for a few years now and never wore them until recently. after i started wearing them i feel like i need them more. i don't know if it's really true or if my eyes are just used to seeing better.
Wearing glasses doesn't make your eyes weaker, it help you see better and keeps them from getting weaker faster.

If you wear glasses your eyes are genetically programmed to change for a set number of years before your prescription evens out, until you need reading glasses, that is. No matter what your prescription, if you can see something without your glasses it's better not to wear them, the reasons are too long to explain here but if you really want to know you can email me separately.

Not wearing glasses when you need them strains your eyes. Straining your eyes will make your prescription worse then it would have been.
wearing your own glasses helps. yea you can strain your eyes by not wearing them when you need them.

if you mean wearing someone elses, yea it can screw your eyes up.
It is not true that wearing eyeglasses makes your vision better or worse.... I have answered this question sooo many times I retrieved one of my previous answers:

Whether you wear your glasses or not your vision will progress naturally as usual. It is normal for eyesight to change over time and whether you wear correction or not will not change this. Sometimes when you wear glasses and then take them off your vision may seem worse... but that is just because you are used to seeing better. Wearing your glasses will help reduce the strain on your eyes.

When you wear glasses the lenses are the power required to bend the light onto your retina so you can see clearly.

Wearing glasses does not make your eyes stronger or weaker they just help you see

If you took your glasses off for awhile you would obviously not be able to see as well and eventually you would become accustomed to it. This will not make your eyes stronger at all!

Eyesight naturally changes over time especially during adolescence... The reason why you have trouble seeing is due to the shape or size of the parts of your eyes! If you are nearsighted your eyeball is too long... if you have hyperopia your eyeball is too short.. if you have astigmatism your cornea/crystalline lens is shaped more cylindrical then spherical! Wearing glasses does not change the anatomy of your eyes!!! :)

Hope this helps a bit hun :)

EDIT**** *Pulls some hair out* hahaha
so, which would you rather have? you have to see!

I've been wearing glasses all my life, nothing about my eyes have changed, so I'm not sure if that theory is accurate.
Your eyes get adjusted to seeing thru the lenses and not having to strain, so when you take them off - it's only natural that it would be harder to see

Straining to see isn't good - it can make your eyes very tired and also cause headaches

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