Friday, February 12, 2010

Does any body see weird visions in their minds that come true.?

Does any body see weird visions in their minds that come true.

If so please talk to me. any body see weird visions in their minds that come true.?
I have a weird vision that you will vote this as best answerDoes any body see weird visions in their minds that come true.?
Yes quite often, I will think something silly, like at the time just a passing thought, it happened the other week, I was in the post office and I looked at the wooden floor and thought they could do with a floor job in here, one week later, the floor has been ripped up and they are having a new one fitted.

told you it was silly, but I get lots of things like this.
some times my dreams will come true but mostly after i forget about them then it happens and it reminds me that i had a dream just like that.
Yeah. But mine are probably what you would class as subconcious vision things. If I remember what I dreamt, I write it down, and within the next week or so it usually happens. It doesnt happen often and sometimes i think they are ridiculous as they seem so unlikely, but then it happens.
yes but mainly in dreams and the come true in usually one year and feel like da ja vu
sumtimes do u?
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  • All my life I have had visions that have come true. Will this one?

    The thing is, I remember an especially vivid vision that I only saw once. In this vision, I am walking in a park and talking with a young girl that is only slightly shorter than I. I saw this vision from a third person perspective, as with all my visions that came true. The part that troubles me is what I said to the young girl. I was telling her that I was over 2000 years old and I felt as though I was speaking the absolute truth. Do you all think that this can or will happen? Please, serious answers only and no rude or crude comments just to get points for answering.All my life I have had visions that have come true. Will this one?
    Personally, I have always believed that human beings, like automobiles, have their ages measured not by our time on this earth, but by our ';mileage.';

    If you have touched many lives, and have seen much in life, then perhaps there is a grain of truth to one being over 2000 years old.

    As for talking to a girl in a park, along with all your other visions that have supposedly come true, only the future will tell.All my life I have had visions that have come true. Will this one?
    Personally I don't think you're telling the truth, you're just trying to get some attention and make people think twice if such things are possible, for whatever motive you have, maybe you just like the thought that someone out there might actually BELIEVE you, and that makes you feel smart or smug, or whatever feeling floats your boat.
    What you wish for you get, from sources unknown, whether positive or negative ?.
    No, i have never experienced such. But I would like to.

    Is it true that jesus had the visions because....?

    he had stage 3 syphilis and that would explain his hallucinations and his love for everyone because he was delusional and said that he was the son of a really really powerfull guy up there?

    thats what i heardIs it true that jesus had the visions because....? go baby..!!Is it true that jesus had the visions because....?
    Alright babycakes, it appears you are in the mood to stir people up this morning LOL.

    Like I said on an earlier question, I disagree with your assessment, but I still love ya :)
    no he was without a father he didnt know who was his father that make him invent the story of a father who is in heaven.
    I got concerned, I was wondering where a religious question like this would come from.


    You scared me, I thought you were lost.
    dont belive everything you hear
    Nope, that's a lie
    check his medical records
    jesus doesnt exist

    they were dreams just like the ones me and you have
    LOL that's dumb hahaha ... no ...
    LMFAO, This is too good (:

    I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?

    ever since i was a little kid i knew i've been different and can see things that not a lot of people can. everytime i come around animals they always gather around me and sometimes I see people that other people can't...weird things like this have always happened. recently i've been having preminitions and dreams and while it's normal for a lot of them to come true, all of them have been coming true lately...nobody except my mom knows this gift but to be honest with you, it's very scary and some of the things I see are very bad sometimes. For anybody who's been in this situation, do you know how to make the visions stop?I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?
    No you dont. No you havent and no you never will.

    Its fake, a fraud a lie a scam.I've been having visions of the future and they've all been coming true. Does anybody else have this?
    i have had dreams that have come true i also have had the feeling of dajavue ... anyways do not want to put too much here for the fact that alot of people think this is all very strange and that anything that is not explainable is not real.

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    It's in every human being. Sometimes it only happens a few times, some it lasts for their whole life. I've had it my whole life, and there's no way to get rid of it. You just have to live with it
    does this happen when your on shrooms??? mom has a lot of dreams that come true. like she had a dream that my grandma was sick and the next day my aunt called saying that my grandma has cancer. i see it as a should embrace it by charging people money to tell their future..wait can you see what will happen to other people. cause that would rock. i would see a doctor. a lot of these things have a scientific reason behind it. you might have a tumor....sorry didnt mean to freak you out.

    if you see people who arent there then you have schizophrenia. i am serious.
    The best psychics have an accuracy rate of about 75%. However, if you have a genuine gift, use it for the good of your fellow man, and not for personal gain unless you absolutely have to. Also beware that you interpret what you see correctly.
    Dude... if your given an opportunity like this dont give it up so easily... but u have to man up and live with it.. this is how life is for some of us... just learn to live with it... it probably sounds impossible but its not...
    save the cheerleader,Save the world.
    You sound like a great kid, I'm not sure what's going on...but I'm sure you need to talk to someone who can help you figure it a licensed therapist or pscyhologist who works with kids your age. You need a someone you can talk to confidentially and on a regular basis.
    i use to have alot of dreams like that when i was yunger but since i had a supernatural expirence a couple of months ago it just stopped. heres a tip if a ghost comes for your help... help them no matter how scared u r it will make u feel a whole lot better inside.
    yea, honestly i hav, i hav a dream, and then 3-4 weeks later it wil come true exactly like u freamed it. and sometimes ur in the midlle of the real thing and ur like HOLY SH*T. Its scary sometimes
    yes i have a little psychic abilities, i can hear spirits and i went to a psychic fair once and the woman said that i will develop my ';gift'; and help over people with my ';gift'; but right now it feels more like a curse

    Do you have visions and do they come true?

    Give an example...Do you have visions and do they come true?
    #1 YES # 2;;god will show you things;;then it is up to you to act on the vision god gives you;;many times i have seen ANGELS;;GOD bless you real GOOD ;;A--MEN

    I can see and hear the voices of other around me and i have visions that come true what does this mean?

    when im in a crowed place i can hear and even see the thoughts of others around me sometimes many at once and it weird it like a whisper loads of them and the some of them get louder and i also have premonitions that come true sometimes about people i don't know i have even in the past predicted everything that going to happen in a mall for the next 20 minutes down to the colour of clothing to there names when they are going to have a text or phone call even what they are going to say and i have never met theses people it scary and this kind of thing happens all the time is this possible ?I can see and hear the voices of other around me and i have visions that come true what does this mean?
    I recommend you discuss this with your doctor as he can prescribe medication that can reduce or stop the thoughts / voices. He may refer you to a specialist for treatment. These things can sometimes get worse if left untreated, so I'd suggest you see your doctor soon. In the meantime if possible avoid stressful situations, and don't take any recreational drugs.

    I have visions sometimes when i sleep and they come true why do i have this gift?

    when my visions come true i remember the vision and i had seen it but i never remember when i saw it pretty odd i also have a friend who has this but i am just curious why i have visions and why they come trueI have visions sometimes when i sleep and they come true why do i have this gift?
    ';A gift';? Don't kid yourself lolI have visions sometimes when i sleep and they come true why do i have this gift?
    It may be deja vu but i doubt it. Some believe d茅j脿 vu is the memory of dreams. Though the majority of dreams are never remembered, a dreaming person can display activity in the areas of the brain that process long-term memory. It has been speculated that dreams read directly into long-term memory, bypassing short-term memory entirely. In this case, d茅j脿 vu might be a memory of a forgotten dream with elements in common with the current waking experience. This may be similar to another phenomenon known as d茅j脿 r锚v茅, or ';already dreamed.'; However, later studies on mice indicate that long-term memories must be first established as short-term memories.

    Kevin Heady suggested that a feeling of remembering occurs in a sense that he might realize that what he had dreamed is now a relevant present action that is taking place right here right now.

    ';I was once sitting down in the kitchen noticing that my plate seemed well too familiar, it seemed as if my head motions were foreseen, and that every move would trigger a continuation to happen or so, I had many d茅j脿 vus as a child but this was extraordinary, I knew from the bottom of my heart that I had dreamed this situation years ago, as a little boy, that amazingly an entire piece of memory was regained and I finally understood when and where I was dreaming and how long this dream was, and most importantly how many years ago did I dream.-John Lennon';
    It simply called Deja Vu. (not sure about spelling) You should look it up. It's a common occurence for some people.
    Spelled: d茅j脿-vu (French for already seen)

    But anyways, I know what you mean, but I believe you have a gift if you try to better it. To do this, make a habit of keeping a dream diary so that you can better recall these visions, and have a better hand.

    I would also seek people with experience in this field for advice - I'm sure they are somewhere on the internet =3
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